Environmental Health and Safety


Occupational health and safety training requirements are required by the Health and Safety Policy, No. 1005. Below is a summary of training responsibilities for faculty, staff, and students.


Directors and Department Heads are to ensure individuals, including but not limited to principal investigators, supervisors, regular and temporary employees, visiting professors, and students, obtain any required safety training before they work with hazardous chemicals, biohazardous agents, radiation, or physical/mechanical hazards in their working or learning environments.

Faculty, Principal Investigators and Supervisors

Faculty, Principal Investigators and Supervisors are expected to determine what health and safety training is required by all staff members and students under their direction and assure they attend and maintain current required training. They must also attend and maintain current all necessary health and safety training for themselves.


Employees and students are expected to ensure that required health and safety training is current and/or has not lapsed.